Children and Youth Ministry​
Welcome! Faith offers programming and care for children of all ages. From the nursery to youth group, we strive to guide our kids towards a meaningful relationship with Christ.
Looking for our calendar of events? Please visit our Children and Youth calendars or subscribe to our Family Google Calendar or our Youth Google Calendar.
​Nursery—Infants through 2-year olds.
Preschool & Elementary—Preschool through 5th grades start the hour off with their parents and Faith family in Worship. Please check-in at the Kidcheck station in the Worship & Life Center upon your arrival or use the Express Check-in option on your Kidcheck App, see below for more information. After the opening Worship songs, the children will be called up to the stage for the Children's Moment in order to get a preview of their Sunday School lesson. After the Children's Moment, the children with be dismissed to their Sunday School rooms. Classes are split up by age. All classes have dedicated teachers and use a comprehensive curriculum called Think Orange geared towards their age group. This curriculum is designed to teach the basic Bible story and key concepts on Sunday morning, and provide opportunities for parents to reinforce those concepts throughout the week. Think Orange also has a parent app, called Parent Cue, that follows along with the weekly lessons and provides family devotions. Both Kidcheck and Parent Cue app are available on IOS or Android.
Sunday Morning - 9am Worship

Sunday Morning - 10:30am Worship
​Nursery—Infants through 2-year olds.
Preschool & Elementary—Preschool through 5th grade care is available. While we do not host Sunday School during this service, there is care provided.
Family Worship - Monthly Special Meetings
Family Worship—Each month we will host a fun event for families. This is everything from Hardy's Reindeer Ranch to Parent's Night Out. To see upcoming dates, check out our calendar at champaignfaith.org/faith-kids-calendar
Children's Ministries
Acolytes—A ministry for 3rd-8th grade in which the children and youth can serve the church by serving as acolytes for the 10:30am worship services. Training takes place in November/December each year and a list of volunteers is developed for the calendar year. If your child is interested in participating, please contact Mieke Blackwell.
Bible Blast—A fun, activity-filled evening for 3rd graders designed to help them learn how to use their Bible. Faith UMC presents all 3rd graders with a new Bible each year.
Vacation Bible School—In June each year, Faith offers a VBS experience for ages 3 through 5th grade. Our program includes crafts, games, music, a mission project, and Bible stories for a fun-filled week. Click here for more information for VBS.

Kidcheck: Secure Child Check-in - Faith UMC uses Kidcheck for all children's activities in order to ensure all childen are safe and in the correct location. We encourage all parents to create a Kidcheck account by clicking this link, Kidcheck, and following the directions. You can all register on site at any children's event at Faith. Once registered, checking-in is as simple as typing in your phone number at the check-in station and checking off which children you are dropping off. Alternatively, you can download the KidCheck App and use the Express Check-in option. Once complete, a name tag will be printed for each child and a parent.
Youth Ministries
Faith Youth Group (FYG) is a middle school and high school program that meets at Faith UMC on Sunday evenings at 5:30pm during the fall and spring school semesters. Dinner is served at 5pm. FYG is a Christian support group which also focuses on service to the church and community. Many of the service projects are geared towards supporting our annual summer high school mission trip to Appalachia and serving our church. FYG also engages in a variety of other activities, including pool parties, hot dog roasts, trips to Hardy's Reindeer Ranch, the U of I Ice Arena, and Cunningham Children's Home.
Sr. High Small Group
High school students who want to go a little deeper in their faith are welcome to join us on Sunday evenings at 7pm.

ASP - Appalachian Service Project--Appalachian Service Project is a youth mission opportunity in the Appalachia states of Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Virginia. For over 35 years we have sent teams of youth to repair homes making them warmer, safer, and dryer. Click here for more information.
CIA - Christians In Action -A youth praise band which plays at several Worship services and church events throughout the year. CIA is open to all high school students. Just about any instrument and vocals are welcome to join. For more information contact Simon Tiffin.