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Faithful Friends Preschool
a Ministry of Faith United Methodist Church
Our Mission Statement
As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to ministry, caring for children, showing concern for families in the congregation and the surrounding community. We believe that each child is a child of God and should have every opportunity to develop physically, intellectually, emotionally, socially and spiritually to the fullest potential.
Faithful Friends Preschool provides a Christian environment that encourages learning, teaches to the developmental needs of children, and respects the unique lifestyle of each child.
Our Program
Faithful Friends Preschool is a best practices preschool in which large blocks of time are devoted to learning through play. Research shows that “young children learn best through manipulation of materials and hands-on experiences, planned by knowledgeable teachers. …it is play with purpose.” (National Association for the Education of Young Children, Early Years Are Learning Years)
FFP students spend their mornings in classrooms filled with a myriad of sensory stimulating activities from which to choose. Teachers prepare the environment with a variety of natural materials to allow for free exploration and discovery and act as facilitators throughout the day. When given the opportunity to work at length with the materials at hand, children soon develop their own questions and curiosities. The FFP staff encourage further exploration and offer guidance, as it seems appropriate. This approach to preschool education empowers the child to take ownership of his/her own learning. The children build their own knowledge. The teacher becomes a partner in learning rather than a distributor of knowledge.
At Faithful Friends Preschool, we realize that some children thrive on familiar routine while others look for the next new experience. Therefore easel painting, block play, play dough and familiar books & songs are part of the everyday routine while a rotating variety of table toys, science activities and themed dramatic play areas make each day unique. Children are free to move from one activity to the next throughout the majority of the morning.
At FFP, children have a balance of active and quiet play, energizing and calming play, solitary and group play. They can build with blocks or do table puzzles, climb on the playground equipment or read books, paint at the easel or play house in the dramatic play area. All of these experiences take place within a loving, Christian environment where the focus is on building strong relationships.
Our Goals
Our goals help each child feel secure and worthwhile. We strive to help the children of FFP:
Like themselves and develop self-confidence.
Enhance their sensory, cognitive, self-help, social, emotional and physical development.
Promote self-expression through language, dramatic play, music, arts and crafts.
Foster a sense of responsibility.
Develop cooperation, sharing and self-regulation skills.
Build trusting relationships with adults.
Learn the main Biblical stories of the Christian faith.
Grow in the belief that each person is worthy of God’s love and love from others.
We strive also to provide for the community by:
Contributing to the wholesome growth and development of its citizens.
Serving the needs of families without regard to racial, religious, developmental need or ethnic background.
Our Classes
Faithful Friends Preschool accepts children from 2 through 5 years of age.
Individual attention is a top priority at Faithful Friends. We are committed to keeping teacher to student ratios low. The adult to child ratios noted below fall well within NAEYC staffing recommendations and significantly below the DCFS staffing requirements.
Preschool I is a program for older twos and younger three year olds. Class size is limited to 14 students with 3 teachers. Three-, four- and five-day classes are offered. Children in Preschool I are not expected to have independent bathroom skills.
Preschool II is a program for older threes, four and five year olds. Four- and five-day classes are offered. The class size is limited to 18 students with 2 teachers per class. We recognize that all children develop at different rates and so will accept children who are working on self-sufficiency in the bathroom.
All classes meet from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.